I discussed my nausea concerns with the anesthesiologist before my third laparoscopy. He recommended trying these special wristbands for an alternative nausea treatment. The hospital did not have them, so he improvised & applied folded pieces of gauze onto the acupressure points on each wrist & tightly secured with tape.
I wanted to try the product for my next surgery, so I went to purchase the wristbands today & to my surprise had some difficulty finding them. I finally found a pair of Sea-Band wristbands at the fourth pharmacy I tried.
I have been occasionally experiencing nausea for the past four months. These symptoms increased over the last few weeks & I have been especially nauseous at night before I go to bed. I have a prescription for Phenergan, but because of the side effects I try not to take it often. It's just a tiny pill, but it sure does knock me out.
Tonight when the nausea started, I placed the Sea-Bands as instructed. I am happy to report they seem to be helping! I'm always happy to find safe, drug-free alternatives.
You can visit the Sea-Band website for more information.
Safe, drug-free alternatives... that's the name of the game!!
Good for you!
That is the name of the game!
I was so impressed with my last anesthesiologist & happy he shared this tip with me. I requested to have him again, so hopefully he will work with me tomorrow.
Thanks Jeanne!
Wow that's cool, Jenn, thanks for posting!!!!
Thanks Alanna! I've already used them a few more times & they are working!
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